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Nick Mark’s OnePager guides to critical care topics.
Blood Product Transfusion
#criticalCare #hematology #shock #transfusion
This OnePager reviews the basics of transfusion, the special types of blood products that can be ordered, and the transfusion reactions that can occur.
Current version 1.0 (originally posted 2021-07-10).
TRICC trial, NEJM 1999 (transfusions in critically ill people)
TRACS trial, JAMA 2010 (transfusions after cardiac surgery)
Villanueva et al, NEJM 2013 (transfusions in people with GI bleed)
EPO-TBI trial, JAMA 2014 (transfusions after TBI)
TRISS trial, NEJM 2014 (transfusions in people with septic shock)
PROPPR trial, JAMA 2015 (balanced ratio transfusions in people with severe trauma)
See Resuscitation of Hemorrhagic Shock
None… yet!
Current version 1.0 (originally posted 2021-07-10).