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Nick Mark’s OnePager guides to critical care topics.
Hypoxia & Hypoxemia
#criticalCare #pulmonary #oxygenation #ventilation
Understanding Hypoxemia (low oxygen in the blood) & hypoxia (low oxygen in the tissues) is a fundamental part of critical care. This OnePager reviews all the key concepts (oxygen content & delivery, Aa gradient) and explains all FIVE causes of hypoxemia (low inspired O2, alveolar hypoventilation, V/Q mismatch, right to left shunt, and diffusion limitation) plus a bonus SIXTH cause which is often overlooked (low mixed venous O2).
Current version 1.0 (originally posted 2020-12-06)
West & Luks, West's Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials, Tenth Edition (2016)
Wagner, The physiological basis of pulmonary gas exchange: implications for clinical interpretation of arterial blood gases, European Respiratory Journal 2015
Pittman, Regulation of Tissue Oxygenation (2011) see Chapter 7, Oxygen Transport in Normal and Pathological Situations: Defects and Compensations
Fink, Cytopathic hypoxia. Mitochondrial dysfunction as mechanism contributing to organ dysfunction in sepsis, Critical Care Clinics 2001
Petersson & Glenny, Gas exchange and ventilation–perfusion relationships in the lung, European Respiratory Journal 2014
Salmen et al, Oxygen Delivery during Severe Anemia When Blood Transfusion Is Refused on Religious Grounds, Annals of ATS 2016
None… Yet!
Current version 1.0 (originally posted 2020-12-06)