The Seattle Intensivist’s Blog

An Even More Skeptical Guide to Vitamin C in Sepsis
Since the first publication of vitamin C for sepsis, several randomized controlled trials have been completed, and more are ongoing. I review the 6 large RCTs and provide a meta-analysis. (Spoiler alert: it doesn’t look good for the “metabolic cure.”)

A Skeptic’s Guide to Vitamin C in Sepsis
Since the first publication of vitamin C for sepsis, several randomized controlled trials have been completed, and more are ongoing. I review the 6 large RCTs and provide a meta-analysis. (Spoiler alert: it doesn’t look good for the “metabolic cure.”)

Tactile Fremitus: Lost in Translation
Mark Twain said “Be careful reading medical texts, you may die of a misprint” Perhaps he should have also warned about mis-translations too.
One conspicuous example of a mistranslation turned myth is when students are instructed to have a patient repeat “ninety nine” while feeling for tactile fremitus.

Dissipating The Myth of Shoe Covers
If you work in a hospital chances are you've put on shoes covers. This is a well intentioned practice largely predicated on a misunderstanding about the history of medicine. Originally, shoe covers were about preventing operating room fires not infections.